Tech Insider
A stock image shows a therapist making notes in a notebook while sitting by sofa in front of laptop ahead of a session with a patient.
A stock image shows a therapist making notes ahead of a session with a patient.
Tech Insider
Elon Musk holding a microphone
Elon Musk has become a vocal critic of mental health professionals.
Tech Insider
Graphical composite showing a woman with an eye mask on, surrounded by scientists, with a psychedelic pattern expanding behind her.
Psychedelic clinical trials focus on a myriad of hallucinogenic drugs. Elizabeth Koch is a proponent for MDMA in therapy.
Tech Insider
Compass Pathways is running a massive clinical trial that will likely help it turn a psychedelic substance into an approved medicine.
MDMA, like psilocybin mushrooms, is being investigated as a potentially therapeutic drug.

Modern medicine has extended our lives and reduced suffering in all kinds of ways. Many of the impactful interventions we have available today have been around for a long time, like antibiotics, most painkillers, and various forms of cancer screening. But every once in a while, scientists come up with novel treatments…


Tech Insider
Danielle Carr-Gomm, who died in 2016, in an image provided to Business Insider by Wiltshire Police.
Danielle Carr-Gomm, who died in 2016, in an image provided to Business Insider by Wiltshire Police.