
In the streaming world, the most important superpower is luring eyeballs to your platform—though adding actual superheroes to your line-up certainly can’t hurt. Thanks to a new deal with Warner Bros.


The big, wrinkly brain at the head of the massive conservative News Corp media conglomerate, Rupert Murdoch, announced he’s finally stepping down Thursday.


Media mogul Rupert Murdoch announced he is stepping down as chairman of News Corp. and Fox in a memo to staff on Thursday. He will officially retire in November and will pass the torch to his son, Lachlan Murdoch, who will also remain as CEO and executive chairman of Fox Corporation.


Tech Insider : Politics
Rudy Giuliani
Smartmatic is suing former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani for defamation.
Tech Insider : Politics
paul ryan donald trump
Former House Speaker Paul Ryan joined the Fox Corporation board of directors in 2019 after choosing not to run for re-election.