Shabaz Ali, TikTok influencer
Shabaz Ali reached 1.5 million followers on TikTok by "calling people out for over-indulgence."
  • Shabaz Ali is a chemistry teacher who's gained 1.5 million TikTok followers by mocking the rich.
  • Ali has seen poverty in schools and wants influencers to be "more responsible" in the recession. 
  • He said influencer culture is "dying" because people don't want to see wealth flaunted online.

Shabaz Ali is a TikToker who's notched up 1.5 million followers by making fun of rich people. 

Ali, who uses the handle "Shabaz Says" on social media, may have popped up on your TikTok feed, lying in bed, wearing colorful hoodies, and insulting viewers for being a "povvo" — British slang for someone who's poor.