The fort on Mamula Island at sunset. The sun is seen in the background behind the fort.
Mamula Island at sunset.
  • A luxury resort in Montenegro opened to the public in April, starting at 500 euros a night.
  • The Mamula Island Hotel used to be a former concentration camp in World War II.
  • The new luxury hotel has angered some locals for converting the Austro-Hungarian fortress.

A new luxury hotel in Montenegro opened in April with the tagline: "A hotel surrounded by the sea, with you at its heart." 

For a minimum of 500 euros ($543) a night, guests can expect beautiful views, fine dining at one of three restaurants, and access to pools and a spa.

But the remote hotel on Mamula Island has a dark history — it used to be an Italian concentration camp during World War II. More than 2,000 people were imprisoned there, and more than 100 people died.