Older couple standing on the beach from behind.
Louisa Rogers (not pictured) and her husband decided not to have kids together.
  • People often say that women will regret the choice not to have kids, but I don't.
  • I'm fine with the decision I made.
  • However, it was an important one, and I wish my husband and I had marked it with a ritual. 

"You'll regret it if you don't have kids," my friend's mom warned her in her 20s. Back then, in the 50s and 60s, it was assumed that everyone would have kids after they got married. Marriage itself was a foregone conclusion.

Surprisingly for that era, my parents didn't pressure me. The closest either of them came was my mother once saying, "I hope you have children, because it's one of life's most beautiful experiences." She never brought it up again.