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Fragments from a defunct Russian satellite have formed a large cloud of debris in low Earth orbit, posing a potential threat to the International Space Station (ISS) and with the crew having to take shelter while mission control checked for the chances of collision.



A video circulating online appears to show debris from a Chinese rocket falling above a populated area, with residents running for cover as a heavy cloud of dark yellow smoke trails across the sky in a frightening scene.



This week at the Gizmodo science desk, deputy editor George Dvorsky reported on a modification to the famous Drake Equation that produces a rather sobering result about the number of extraterrestrial intelligences in our Galaxy. Health reporter Ed Cara chronicles a mysterious disease from the 1500s that vanished from…


Gizmodo : Environment

China’s curious spaceplane is at it again, releasing an unidentified object into orbit that could signal the end of its mysterious mission.


Gizmodo : Environment

An experimental satellite that launched in 1974 disappeared from ground-based sensors in the 1990s, only to be found again this week. Some defunct satellites or debris can often go missing for years, presenting hazards within an increasingly crowded Earth orbit. But, how exactly do objects disappear in space?


Gizmodo : Environment

On March 8, a small, cylinder-shaped object fell from the skies and crashed through the roof of a family home in Naples, Florida. Alejandro Otero, the homeowner, suspected it came from space but he wasn’t sure what he needed to do get NASA’s attention and be taken seriously.

Gizmodo : Environment

Three years ago, NASA tossed a massive pallet of old batteries from the International Space Station (ISS), hoping that it would burn up through Earth’s atmosphere.

Gizmodo : Environment

On Friday, March 8, a pallet of used batteries from the International Space Station (ISS) reentered Earth’s atmosphere over the Gulf of Mexico following an unpredictable journey through orbit.


Gizmodo : Environment

A 2.9-ton cargo pallet, once used for a critical battery upgrade mission on the International Space Station (ISS), is now approaching the end of its journey and is expected to reenter the Earth’s atmosphere in the coming days.


Gizmodo : Environment

Being the space nerd that I am, I often imagine a museum filled with the most important objects ever sent to space. We couldn’t possibly build a place like this, but we can speculate as to which human artifacts deserve a place in our imaginary spaceflight museum.