Tech Insider
Ford EV
Ford said in October it would postpone $12 billion in EV investment due to slowing demand.
Tech Insider
Ford Maverick truck
Ford offers hybrid versions of the Maverick truck.
Tech Insider : Economy, Politics, Economy
A white Kia Niro EV charges at an EVgo charging station parking lot.
The Kia Niro EV charges at an EVgo charging station.
Tech Insider
A hybrid car on top of an EV charging cord
The Toyota Prius is in a good position for car buyers who are showing renewed interest in hybrids.
Tech Insider
Jim Farley and Elon Musk
Ford CEO Jim Farley and Tesla CEO Elon Musk are battling it out for their share of the car market.
Tech Insider : Economy, Politics
Elon Musk sitting on a red Tesla, with a business shoe and red pant leg adorned with yellow stars in the foreground
China's EV ascendance has sparked a fight that is forcing American companies to rethink their whole strategy.
Gizmodo : Politics

Donald Trump delivered a speech at the National Religious Broadcasters convention Thursday night in Nashville that touched on all his greatest hits. The Democrats are “evil,” the U.S. is now a “Communist state,” and Hungary’s authoritarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, is a “strong man” and “a friend of mine.” But…