
Earlier in the week, Disney surprisingly revealed Din Djarin will be headlining two films.


Just a reminder: like Marvel’s various Netflix series combined to create a Defenders crossover series, its sister company Lucasfilm has similar plans for its sprawling Star Wars TV universe.


The Mandalorian is a show that rarely wants to sit in its worldbuilding. Things are said, they are present in the moment they need to be, and then it moves on to the next thing, like its wandering mercenary hero.


Giancarlo Esposito, notorious for taking on bad guy roles, spoke to Star Wars Insider about his return to Star Wars via the Imperial security officer, Grand Moff Gideon.


This week’s Mandalorian whisked us back to the ravaged homeworld of the once-warrior race, Mandalore, to further delve into the complicated history of its people and its warring cultures.


On The Mandalorian, the goal is clear. In order to be redeemed, the main character must travel to the mines of Mandalore and bathe in the living waters.


The directors of the new Escape From New York are making it a reboot-sequel. Bruce Campbell wants to work with Sam Raimi on an animated Evil Dead movie. The Mandalorian drops two new posters. Plus, when to expect the final episode of The Flash. Spoilers, away!



The next Star Wars Celebration is just a month away—promising news on the franchise’s future, but also giving us a veritable sea of merch to ogle.


The Mandalorian made a huge change for its third season and maybe you didn’t even realize it. It happens during the credits where all the familiar, famous names are given prominent placement over the super cool concept art.


Harrison Ford once famously told George Lucas of his Star Wars script, “You can type this shit, but you sure can’t say it!” Suffice to say, the franchise has wrangled with lovably, and not so lovably, weird dialogue since its earliest days.