
Twitter-rival Koo, is bringing its own ChatGPT feature to its platform, saying it will assist users with writing more profound posts. Koo announced the addition on Monday, calling it a “global first” and saying it will be rolled out to the public soon.


While Twitter deals with daily chaos and mounting debt, its biggest competitors are thinking they can do tweet storms even better than the ol’ blue bird. On Friday, Meta confirmed that it was working on a new stand-alone app for sharing Twitter-like messages.

Gizmodo : Technology

For a period of time on Monday, Twitter was, once again, not working very well.


A reporter says she was fired by her paper after calling the mayor of Dallas “bruh” on Twitter, a comment the news outlet claimed violated its social media policy.



Four months after Elon Musk took the helm at Twitter and promised to make it a loud-mouthed, free-for-all wonderland, the company has released yet another in a long line major speech policy changes, this time announcing a “zero-tolerance approach” towards violent speech in a reversal of its previous stance. So much…

Gizmodo : Technology

Twitter users could have the chance to pivot to an upcoming rival social media app, Bluesky, which launched its Beta test on Apple’s app store Tuesday.

Gizmodo : Technology

This week, the Supreme Court is hearing two cases that could upend the way we’ve come to understand freedom of speech on the internet. Both Gonzalez v.


Tumblr created a shakeup in the digital world this week when it reported an 125% revenue increase from iOS in-app purchases—from what seemingly started out as a simple parody. The company introduced its double blue tick option which was initially meant to show that using subscriptions for verification serves no real…


When Elon Musk took over Twitter, he gave employees one week to turn verification into a paid service. To many, the idea that anyone would pay for a blue check on Twitter seemed absurd, and even undermined the very idea of verification. The joke may be on us, it turns out.