Gizmodo : Politics

When Republican lawmakers took over the House of Representatives late last year, they made immediately clear their intent to hold up alleged tech censorship of conservatives as a top 2023 issue. They kicked off what’s looking like a long year’s worth of hearings and investigations into tech companies this week by…


Twitter CEO Elon Musk presented the revamped Twitter Blue subscription service as an antidote to scam content. When the service launched late last year, however, it spurred a raft of fake accounts that cost at least one pharmaceutical giant billions in stock market value. Now Twitter users say the struggling…

Gizmodo : Politics

House Republicans on Tuesday used their newly won majority to hold a hearing on one of their paramount issues: Hunter Biden’s laptop and Twitter’s


Remember last August, when an ex-Twitter executive Peiter “Mudge” Zatko accused the blue bird app of routinely failing to delete users’ information from the platform when they deleted their accounts? Well, it seems under the new stewardship of billionaire Elon Musk, Twitter is still failing to delete users’…


If Twitter wants to keep the recently added sleeping quarters at its main San Francisco office, the company has to make a few changes.


Gizmodo : Technology

Elon Musk’s Twitter has debts to pay. And in the billionaire’s quest to monetize everything about his recently acquired social media site, Twitter is set to start charging for access to its Application Program Interface (API).


Gizmodo : Technology

Twitter CEO Elon Musk announced he was making his Twitter account private early on Wednesday to determine the level of engagement his tweets received.

Gizmodo : Technology

Hope you got the chance to test out Twitter’s CoTweet feature, as the company suddenly dropped the ability for Twitter users to co-author tweets Tuesday.



After just one day after being reinstated back on Twitter thanks to owner Elon Musk’s blanket pardon of hate figures, white nationalist and anti-Semite Nick Fuentes has once again been kicked off the platform.