Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
uber tipping
Some Uber and Lyft drivers say tipping has gotten worse over the past year.
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a woman and her husband at a restaurant
Dara Abrams and her husband at Calissa, where they both work.
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Several behaviors can make us tip more by increasing the social rapport between the server and the customer.
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headshot of Karla Gonzalez
Karla Gonzalez says she's not going back from a living-wage model.
Tech Insider : Economy
Many Americans feel confused or frustrated about how much to tip these days. We asked etiquette experts for their advice.
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Vinod Kalathil and his wife Margaret Pak, owners of Thattu in Chicago
Vinod Kalathil and his wife Margaret Pak recently opened no-tip restaurant Thattu in Chicago.
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People eating outside of a restaurant
Some restaurants in St Tropez are demanding larger tips or flat-out refusing reservations to returning customers.