
Do we live in an unusual star system? Astronomers have been trying to figure out if the Solar System is unique compared to other stars and their orbiting planets, and they just took a major step towards answering the longstanding cosmic mystery.



It’s nearly Black Friday and Cyber Monday—that beautiful time of the year when Americans forego their normal, sensible fiscal concerns and embrace the spirit of debauched consumerism that our great country is really all about.


Analogue has just relaunched the Pocket in some new, charming colors. It brought back the OG colors of the Game Boy Advance and Pocket to its new Classic Limited Edition consoles. These colors are blue, green, indigo, spice orange, pink, red, silver, and yellow.



There are few places in this world where dead things are offered such a promoted place among the living. If I had to arrange my mind to any, my first thought lands on the Catacombes de Paris, the old quarries turned morbid gallery for the shelves of anonymous bones. In that enormous memento mori, the skulls of…


Tech Insider
A delivery man stands in the sweltering heat, delivering packages in a hostile neighborhood.
Amazon, FedEx, UPS, and USPS make millions of deliveries every day. Heat waves make the jobs behind those deliveries more dangerous.

UPS has avoided a strike only one day after 340,000 employees threatened to walk out over an unsustainable pay rate for part-time workers. The Teamsters Union, which represents UPS workers, opened contract negotiations on Tuesday to secure higher pay, but the union vowed to go on strike if a deal could not be reached…

Tech Insider : Economy
A white man in a black hat yells in front of yellow and brown protest signs that read
UPS workers walk a 'practice picket line' on July 7, 2023.