Gizmodo : Politics

For years, American politicians have worked to ban TikTok over privacy and national security concerns. But the leaky ad businesses of other tech companies, including American ones, could expose data to the Chinese Communist Party in the exact same ways, and the U.S. government’s technical evidence to demonstrate why…

Gizmodo : Technology

For a period of time on Monday, Twitter was, once again, not working very well.

Gizmodo : Politics

China accused the U.S. of stealing its technological autonomy in a press conference on Monday, Reuters reported. Spokesperson Mao Ning claimed that by imposing various TikTok bans, “the U.S.

Gizmodo : Politics

A fast-tracked, vague Republican bill granting the Biden administration the ability to impose a nationwide TikTok ban moved a step closer toward legality on Tuesday after passing a vote in the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The sweeping new legislation, if passed into law, would grant the Biden administration the…


Four months after Elon Musk took the helm at Twitter and promised to make it a loud-mouthed, free-for-all wonderland, the company has released yet another in a long line major speech policy changes, this time announcing a “zero-tolerance approach” towards violent speech in a reversal of its previous stance. So much…

Gizmodo : Technology

Twitter appears to be back up and running after suffering an outrage in the early morning hours on Wednesday that left users unable to see new tweets in their feeds.


Gizmodo : Technology

Twitter users could have the chance to pivot to an upcoming rival social media app, Bluesky, which launched its Beta test on Apple’s app store Tuesday.


Facebook and Instagram are taking some of their strongest steps yet to clamp down on child sexual abuse material (CSAM) that is flooding their social networks. Meta, the parent company of both, is creating a database in partnership with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) that will allow …