Gizmodo : Technology

The large language model AI bandwagon is getting awfully full lately. Now Snap, the company that owns Snapchat, announced Monday it’s shoving an AI into its app so that users who are really bored talking with friends and real humans can instead have a friendly conversation with a somewhat unhinged digital tool.



You wouldn’t have seen any mention of it on your social media feeds or even a press release, but TikTok’s parent company, the China-based ByteDance, has been quietly rolling out a newer app called Lemon8 in the U.S. and UK. This app bills itself as a place to “discover beautiful, authentic, and diverse content.” All…

Gizmodo : Technology

This week, the Supreme Court is hearing two cases that could upend the way we’ve come to understand freedom of speech on the internet. Both Gonzalez v.


When Elon Musk took over Twitter, he gave employees one week to turn verification into a paid service. To many, the idea that anyone would pay for a blue check on Twitter seemed absurd, and even undermined the very idea of verification. The joke may be on us, it turns out.


With Elon Musk’s Twitter making an absolute mess with paid verification and Twitter Blue, rival Meta has stepped up to the plate with a similarly ludicrous plan to have users pay for the privilege of proving they are who they say they are on Facebook and Instagram. More than that, Meta is advertising those who pay…


Our worst suspicions over why Twitter CEO Elon Musk’s tweets flooded user feeds on Monday have apparently been confirmed. Twitter engineers purportedly created a special system to increase their boss’ view counts and the reason is just as petty as you can imagine.


One simple update to Facebook gives users a much better overview why they see certain ads crop up again and again.



Instagram is nixing the “Live Shopping” feature that’s allowed creators to directly tag products and promote links in their live broadcasts for the past couple of years.


Twitter CEO Elon Musk presented the revamped Twitter Blue subscription service as an antidote to scam content. When the service launched late last year, however, it spurred a raft of fake accounts that cost at least one pharmaceutical giant billions in stock market value. Now Twitter users say the struggling…