
It would be easy to presume that airlines would spare no expense to ensure that passengers’ luggage meets them at their destination, considering how lucrative the attached fees are.


I think one thing we can all agree on is that the world is a pretty noisy place. We can also agree on the fact that no one likes that. And, at least sometimes, we’d ideally like to shut it all out. While that’s not possible, a pair of effective noise-cancelling headphones can make you feel like you’re in your own…



The world got an uncomfortable reminder about the need to scrutinize air travel last January when a door plug blew off an Alaska Airlines flight 16,000 feet over Portland, OR. The culprit was a Boeing 737, and in the days that followed, it was soon clear that catastrophic failure wasn’t a freak accident but the result…


Gizmodo : Environment

As suspected, the canister-like object that washed ashore in Green Head, Western Australia, in mid-July likely belongs to a discarded third stage from an Indian rocket, the Australian Space Agency announced over the weekend.



The provenance of a large metallic object that washed ashore near Jurien Bay in Western Australia this past weekend remains unknown, despite rampant speculation about it hailing from an Indian PSLV launch vehicle.

Gizmodo : Environment

On Sunday, a canister-like object washed ashore in Green Head, Western Australia, triggering a mystery for both state and federal officials. Its origin has not yet been confirmed, but early speculation suggests it came from a rocket.