Tech Insider : Travel
beach day ussr
Children admire a painting on a sunny beach day in Russia.
Tech Insider
US-made M1117 appears to be driven by Ukrainian troops
Gizmodo : Politics

Bernie Sanders, the nefarious propagandist for the Soviet Union, has done it again. This time, the Senator from Vermont has introduced a bill that would drastically reduce Americans’ working hours while maintaining their current levels of income. The legislation cites concerns about new forms of automation currently…


Tech Insider
A composite image of Elon Musk at a press conference and Billie Joe Armstrong performing at a concert.
Elon Musk is not happy with Green Day.
Tech Insider : Business, Politics
Joe Biden and Xi Jinping facing off in front of computer chip 4x3
The world's second-largest economy is facing a slew of issues.
Tech Insider
A Person Counting US Dollar Bills
Treasury yields are at a 16-year high.

With the proliferation of generative AI, we’ve come to the point where technology has helped compound the sense of distrust in both media and politics that exploded during the four-year presidency of Donald Trump. Nobody is immune to deepfake suspicion, not even Trump himself.


Tech Insider : Economy
Jim Walton, John Walton, Rob Walton, and Helen Walton clapping at a banquet
Jim Walton, John T. Walton, Rob Walton, and Helen Walton in 1997.
Tech Insider
credit suisse
Credit Suisse was bought by UBS over the weekend in a deal pushed by Swiss regulators.