
At least thirteen countries around the world have adopted “right to disconnect” laws in recent years, banning employers from forcing workers to always be ready to answer emails and phone calls outside of work hours. And California could be next if new legislation makes its way through the state legislature.


Gizmodo : Politics

Bernie Sanders, the nefarious propagandist for the Soviet Union, has done it again. This time, the Senator from Vermont has introduced a bill that would drastically reduce Americans’ working hours while maintaining their current levels of income. The legislation cites concerns about new forms of automation currently…


Tech Insider
Apple's store in Towson
Apple's store in Towson, Maryland (pictured above) was the first to unionize.
Tech Insider
Labor lawyers told Insider that people who are pregnant or on FMLA leave aren't automatically protected from mass layoffs.
Labor lawyers told Insider that people who are pregnant or on FMLA leave aren't automatically protected from mass layoffs.
Tech Insider
A woman cuts tape holding her back representing quitting a job
Hundreds of thousands of workers could soon switch jobs if the FTC's proposed noncompete ban gets enacted, recruiters told Insider.