Tech Insider
Before taking the plunge, consider how the change might affect your personal life and the time you spend with your family.
Tech Insider
Mahala Kuehne
Mahala Kuehne says she still experiences her favorite parts of teaching in her current job at a nonprofit, just without the stress and burnout.
Tech Insider
former teacher Holly Acre
Holly Acre left teaching after six years for a job in tech sales. She says the difference in her life is "night and day."
Tech Insider
Vanita Johnson, a truck driver based in Atlanta, Georgia, takes a selfie with her white truck.
Vanita Johnson got her commercial driver's license in November 2020, after 13 years working in the education industry in various roles, including substitute teacher, administrative assistant, and sixth grade math teacher.
Tech Insider : Travel
former flight attendant Betty Ma sits in an airplane's engine
Betty Ma became a flight attendant right after college, but issues like unpredictable schedules and poor work-life balance led her to hang up her wings after 5 years.