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The North Face store sign
Holiday shoppers who want gifts from The North Face on time should visit a store.
Gizmodo : Politics

Government leaders in more than 40 countries are signing a pledge agreeing never to pay a ransom to cybercriminals again. U.S. President Joe Biden introduced the International Counter Ransomware Initiative in 2021 and will discuss countries agreeing to push back against cybercriminals and cutting off their revenue…

Tech Insider
MGM Resorts
A cyberattack took out MGM Resorts electronic systems, which remained faulty for over a week.

It’s official: a band of British teenagers managed to hack some of the biggest companies on the planet last year, and they did it all using fairly basic hacking techniques.



The White House has announced a contest incentivizing the development of new artificial intelligence systems designed to hunt for software vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure. The “AI Cyber Challenge” will be a two-year government-sponsored competition designed to spur the creation of new automated security…


A new study published by a number of British researchers reveals a hypothetical cyberattack in which a hacker could leverage recorded audio of a person typing to steal their personal data. The attack uses a home-made deep-learning-based algorithm that can acoustically analyze keystroke noises and automatically decode…