
Lots of Americans have had the potential joy of eating a juicy steak taken away from them by a measly tick, new research out this week has found. The study estimates that up to 450,000 people in the U.S. have developed alpha-gal syndrome since 2010, otherwise known as an allergy to red meat. The condition is caused by…


A rare but sometimes fatal tickborne infection may be expanding its range in the U.S., local and federal health officials warn in a report this week. They say that a case of Heartland virus led to a man’s death in 2021. The infection is thought to have been caught in either Virginia or Maryland—a region of the…



Tumblr created a shakeup in the digital world this week when it reported an 125% revenue increase from iOS in-app purchases—from what seemingly started out as a simple parody. The company introduced its double blue tick option which was initially meant to show that using subscriptions for verification serves no real…