
When you look in the mirror, what do you see? In all likelihood, you see a complex shape that you immediately recognize as yourself. Now, a team of researchers has found that mice appear capable of doing the same thing.



Researchers studied videos of great apes spinning and found that the animals are deliberately getting dizzy; the team believes that the behavior may have implications for humankind’s occasional exploration of altered states of mind.


The internet and dinner table conversations went wild when a Bing Chatbot, made by Microsoft, recently expressed a desire to escape its job and be free. The bot also professed its love for a reporter who was chatting with it. Did the AI’s emergent properties indicate an evolving consciousness?


Tech Insider
An animation of three robot heads showing three different emotions
Everyone is freaking out because Microsoft's ChatGPT clone flirted with a journalist and said it wanted to be alive. But the hysteria is missing the real menace: humans.