Tech Insider : Economy
Illustration of a person walking through a house maze.
A $418 million settlement could help American homebuyers save tens of thousands of dollars. But the path to ownership is still lined with hazards.
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A person handing themselves a house and keys
The best part of (briefly) having an agent was realizing just how much I had already figured out on my own.

Last summer, when I told my then-girlfriend that I had just hired a real-estate agent to help me buy an apartment, her response annoyed me: "Sounds like a scam."

Tech Insider : Economy
A house being covered up with cloth
Real-estate agent commissions have barely budged over decades. Critics blame a shady practice known as "steering."
Tech Insider : Economy
Gave coming down on a house.
A wave of multibillion-dollar lawsuits poses a real threat to the old way of buying and selling homes. In the chaos that follows, regular buyers and sellers could come out on top.
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A judge's gavel and a house.
Beyond the eye-popping damages, a recent verdict against the National Association of Realtors and the country's biggest brokerages could also fundamentally change how we buy and sell homes.

On Tuesday afternoon at a courthouse in Kansas City, Missouri, the collective nightmare of the real-estate industry became reality.

Tech Insider : Economy
Among a tangle of jungle plants and vines, a lane of houses appears, with eager real estate agents stand in front of the doorways. And the lane narrows, the horizons depicts the houses fragmenting, a lone orange house surviving in the large expanse of a starry night sky.
Two decades after companies like Zillow and Trulia revolutionized home search, the rest of the process remains pretty much the same.
Tech Insider : Economy
Phoenix City Skyline
Home prices are dropping in cities that were hot spots a just a few years ago. The Phoenix metropolitan area is one of those spots — where prices are down compared to last year.