
Sam Altman was reinstated as OpenAI’s Chief Executive Officer late on Tuesday night. The board that fired Sam Altman due to a lack of confidence, just four days ago, was largely replaced with profiteering veterans Larry Summers and Bret Taylor.

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Salesforce CEO and cofounder Marc Benioff
Salesforce CEO and cofounder Marc Benioff
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Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce (left) and Sam Altman former OpenAI CEO (right).
Following Sam Altman's ouster at OpenAI, Marc Benioff of Salesforce offered to buy out the contracts of any OpenAI researchers who resigned to join Salesforce.
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A close-up of Benioff that shows him extending his hand.
Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff appears at an event in Washington, DC, in 2019.
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New Slack redesign
The new Slack redesign with "Activity" notifications.

Slack says it is shutting down its SlackStatus account on X, which alerted users of incidents and outages on the platform, Thursday night. The office messaging platform will move its incident status alerts to its website.