
Imagine: you’re driving your brand new Tesla down the highway when suddenly, the steering wheel slumps from the steering column into your hands. Or, don’t simply imagine it, instead look at these images posted by a Tesla driver who reported going through just that at the end of January.


The Dutch safety watchdog decided on Wednesday that it had concluded its investigation into Tesla and wouldn’t issue a fine against the company for its vehicle’s security cameras.


Today, Tesla Autopilot workers in the company’s Gigafactory in Buffalo, New York have officially kicked off the union push with a letter to management, formally announcing their bid to unionize.



The National Transportation Safety Board (NTBS) concluded its investigation into the deadly Tesla car crash in Texas that killed two men in 2021.

Gizmodo : Technology

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) requested documents from Tesla related to the company’s Autopilot and so-called “Full Self-Driving” features, according to a Tesla financial filing submitted Tuesday.