
Google has been the dominant search engine since the early 2000s, but Jeff Bezos is betting that AI will change the way people find information on the internet.


Yesterday, the folks at Cambridge Dictionary named “Hallucination” the word of the year and, Jesus, they really hit the na


Quiz time: If you or your friends were given the following string of text during a party, would anyone in the room confidently be able to guess or infer any personal attributes of the text’s author? Give yourself a few seconds.



Google is just plain tired of all your grammar flubs in Search. The company announced Monday it had added a simple grammar check feature into the world’s largest search engine, though you won’t be using it to shore up any writing you want to show someone else.


Tech Insider
Mira Murati speaking at Diane Von Furstenberg's InCharge Conversations 2020, in March 2020 in New York City.
Mira Murati, OpenAI CTO, said there should be less hype around GPT-4, the next iteration of conversational AI.
Tech Insider
Post-apocalyptic AI world
Some Natural Language Processing experts agree that AI has the potential to transform society, even trigger nuclear war, according to a survey.