Tech Insider
Two images of euglenoid cysts taken under a microscope that look like clear circles with grayish fingerprints inside
Light microscope images of euglenoid cysts from Greece dating between the Holocene and the present era. Researchers recently saw evidence of euglenoids making cysts for the first time.
Gizmodo : Environment

A floating blob of seaweed 5,000 miles across, spanning nearly the whole width of the Atlantic Ocean, is headed for Florida’s Atlantic Coast. The sargassum algae, a brown, branching, stringy seaweed that can turn seawater mud-colored when present in large quantities, is likely to cause serious problems for the…


Florida health officials say a man recently died from a brain-eating amoeba called Naegleria fowleri—an infection likely caught from rinsing his sinuses with tap water. These infections are incredibly rare but almost always lethal, and they have been previously linked to nasal rinsing, such as through the use of neti…