
A deep-sea drama is unfolding in the world of shark science. An exciting scientific record of a rare species in a new place might actually just be a photo of a plastic toy.


Gizmodo : Environment

Fungi are some of the strangest living things on Earth. Some are single-celled organisms like bacteria, other are multicellular beings akin to plants and animals. Some can even shapeshift between these forms of life. However they look, they’re an integral part of the environment: Many fungi act as nature’s recyclers,…

Gizmodo : Environment

Extinction is an age-old song, one played so many times in Earth’s history that we regularly discover new species that died out in the ancient past. But only in the last century have humans generally been aware of the final member of a species, typically because the creature is held in captivity.



Florida health officials say a man recently died from a brain-eating amoeba called Naegleria fowleri—an infection likely caught from rinsing his sinuses with tap water. These infections are incredibly rare but almost always lethal, and they have been previously linked to nasal rinsing, such as through the use of neti…

Gizmodo : Environment

Researchers at Polar Bears International, York University, and 3M are winners of the 2023 Gizmodo Science Fair for developing a burr-like tracking device that sticks to polar bears’ fur.


Gizmodo : Environment

You’ve probably heard the stories: that through an intricate network of underground fungi, trees send nutrients and warning signals back and forth to one another.


Consider the octopus. With eight arms, elliptical pupils, color- and texture-changing skin, and a scary beak, it is a creature that seems conjured from the most Boschian of realities.



You can stop stressing out about UFOs now, because researchers from

Gizmodo : Environment

Authorities have learned about the value of picturesque fields of poppies the hard way in the age of Instagram. Since barring access and pleading didn’t work, officials in the small Southern California city of Lake Elsinore are trying a new tactic: Telling would-be Instagrammers that they’ll be arrested if they don’t…