
They’re small, they’re convenient, and, according to security researchers, they’re extremely hackable. The car key fob doesn’t exactly have the greatest reputation when it comes to digital security.


Good news: A legislative push to save AM radio is almost certain to succeed, which means that America’s weirdest auditory wavelength will continue to survive for the foreseeable future.


Tech Insider
Columbia University pro-Palestine students control of Hamilton Hall and the tent city ended when the NYPD moved in with countless officers in riot gear.
Columbia University pro-Palestine students control of Hamilton Hall and the tent city ended when the NYPD moved in with countless officers in riot gear.
Tech Insider
A photograph of a two women with an Ekco portable radio, taken by George Woodbine for the Daily Herald newspaper on 14 August 1935.
In 1935, a car radio was cutting-edge technology. But people are still using it today.

If there’s one thing to say about the $169 Flipper Zero, it’s that it’s really damn cute. When the Flipper is idling, the cyber dolphin that appears in all the apps and product materials as the device’s mascot can be found lounging around, making sly references to older movies.

Gizmodo : Environment

NASA outfitted its aging communications network with a hybrid antenna that allowed it to receive both radio frequency and laser signals for the first time, helping the space agency keep up with its increasing number of missions traveling through deep space.


Tech Insider
A photo of a neon SiriusXM (SMX) sign
SiriusXM faces a lawsuit from the New York Attorney General's Office, which alleges that it makes unsubscribing a long and difficult process.
Tech Insider : Technology
Two Ukrainian Himera radios and a person's hand reaching for them, in images shared by Mykhaylo Fedorov on October 10, 2023.
Two Ukrainian Himera radios and a person's hand reaching for them, in images shared by Mykhaylo Fedorov on October 10, 2023.