Tech Insider
hinge app screenshot
Dating app Hinge is hiring a VP of artificial intelligence to oversee the app's AI efforts.
Tech Insider
hot chat 3000
I tried Hot Chat 3000, a new website from the art collective MSCHF that says it's helping to expose bias in AI systems. I uploaded my picture, it rated me, and the bot matched me with someone it said rated similarly.
Tech Insider
Reporters Bumble profile on a phone screen surrounded by heart icons, Bumble, Hinge and Chat GPT Logos
My profiles on the dating apps Bumble (above) and Hinge could use some help. So I enlisted ChatGPT and a human writer to overhaul them.
Tech Insider : Economy
illustration dating
Instead of relying on dating apps or meeting a stranger, Gen Z is increasingly finding romance in their friend groups.

Young people are adopting an old-fashioned solution for the humiliation and hassle of dating apps