Tech Insider : Sports
A woman dressed in orange in an ad for Temu
Temu means "team up," but it isn't pronounced that way.
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miniature pots and pans from Temu
Tiny pots and pans from Temu, all around $1-2 each
Tech Insider
Temu shopping bag
Temu is an e-commerce site with cheap delights loved by older people.
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Colin Huang Pinduoduo
Founded by Colin Huang (center, in black), Temu-owner PDD was went public on the Nasdaq in 2018.
Tech Insider
side by side image of three pink heel shoes with prices floating above them
I purchased three similar products from Temu, Amazon, and Shein to compare their prices, quality, and the overall shopping experience.

TikTok is set to launch an e-commerce platform to sell Chinese-made goods to its millions of American users, according to a new report in the Wall Street Journal.

Tech Insider
Temu homepage sr
Temu sells things as varied as eyeglasses, razors, and teeth-whitening systems — often at very low prices, as shown on its home page.