Tech Insider
A black-and-yellow Joro spider in a web
Joro spiders are an invasive species in the US, but they aren't as scary as they seem.
Tech Insider
A photo montage shows a close up of a spider next to a picture of biologist Sara Goodacre. Goodacre is shown wearing white protective gear in a laboratory, looking up at scientific equipment.
Biologist Sara Goodacre, seen in this photo montage, studies spider silk for use in medicine and engineering.
Tech Insider
Female Phoneutria facing the camera at eye level on a green background, usually considered one of the world's most dangerous spiders
The Brazilian banana spider is also known as the wandering spider.
Tech Insider : Politics
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Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks on the USS Iowa in San Pedro, Los Angeles, California, United States September 15, 2015.

Black widow spiders across the southern United States are getting eaten up by brown widows, their lesser-known cousins, according to new research investigating the relationship between the two arachnids.