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Equinox ad sweaty arm next to mouth with pomegranate seeds
Equinox's "Want it All" campaign taps into an emotional connection with consumers.
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nasa apollo 11 earth africa 1969 AS11 36 5352HR
Earth is a like 7,917-mile-wide rotisserie chicken.
Tech Insider

$100K apparently isn't that much, pals. I'm Diamond Naga Siu, and I'm definitely feeling a financial strain in San Diego.

A new study found that if you make $100,000 in NYC, it only "feels like" $36,000. Meanwhile, the same study found that San Diegans need to make even more than New Yorkers to live comfortably. Imagine moving to New York to save some money. Wild.

Tech Insider : Travel


A photo montage shows a variety of sites where the equinox has been celebrated throughout the years.
From top left clockwise, Teotihuacán in Mexico, Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia, the Great Sphinx and Pyramid of Khafre in Egypt and the Knowth Neolithic passage grave in Ireland.