
Donald Trump will host a dinner at his Florida club (and residence) Mar-a-Lago tonight, according to a report from Axios.


Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales, wants everyone to chill out about the photo of her and her kids, which has caused an international firestorm after being pulled by some of the world’s biggest photo agencies for being “manipulated.” According to Middleton, that is correct. In fact, she Photoshopped it herself.



An error in judgement earlier this year—when a D&D artist confirmed they had used generative AI programs to finish several pieces of art included in the sourcebook


Google says it will defend users in a legal setting if copyright issues arise with their generative artificial intelligence. It joins the ranks of other big tech players who have done the same.

“Put simply: if customers are challenged on copyright grounds, we will assume responsibility for the potential legal risks…



There’s something about an elevator that touches on the very nature of the .GIF format. There’s a repetition to its design, a cyclical nature of destination and return, a permanent transience. It loops, constantly, permanently.


One of the artists working on Dungeons & Dragons’ newest bookBigby Presents: Glory of the Giants!, has stated that they used AI to help generate “certain details or polish and editing” in a recent post on X, on the sit

Tech Insider

Ilias Pistopoulos standing next to the tiktok logo
By day, Ilias Pistopoulos is a graphic designer, but by night he creates effects on TikTok using AR, and owns AR company FAM.