
Donald Trump will host a dinner at his Florida club (and residence) Mar-a-Lago tonight, according to a report from Axios.


Interpol, an international police organization, has arrested nearly 3,500 people allegedly connected to cybercrime in a sweeping operation announced on Tuesday.


The crypto landscape has seen better days. Vitalik Buterin, the inventor of Ethereum, was apparently the subject of a hack that targeted his Twitter account and promoted a less-than-authentic scheme to drain people’s crypto wallets.



Melania Trump released her latest collection of nonfungible tokens (NFTs), this time commemorating humanity’s giant leap on the Moon with a famous photo of NASA Astronaut Buzz Aldrin walking on the lunar surface. There’s just one thing though: NASA does not approve the use of its imagery for the digital tokens.


Warner Bros.’ The Flash will be a full month old by the end of the weekend, and to say it’s had an eventful lifecycle might be understating things a bit.