Tech Insider
headshot of a woman in a red chair crossing her legs
Jennifer Oliva runs was a television producer for 25 years.
Tech Insider
A young woman eats a salad while typing away at a computer
People who work from home are sacrificing their lunch breaks, and it's bad for health, well-being, and productivity.
Tech Insider
Business workers in an office
Daniela Herrera, a talent and DEI consultant, said the impact on company culture is often used to justify RTO mandates, but this may not be the real reason.
Tech Insider
A woman's hands typing at a green table with a laptop and a disposable coffee.
Employees don't always want to transition from remote work to in-office or hybrid working.
Tech Insider
a woman puts her finger to her lips to suggest keeping a secret, keeping something hushed
"Hushed hybrid" work schedules are the latest tactic in the arsenal for workers trying to avoid returning to the office.
Tech Insider
two men walking and talking at work
Coffee badging is performative compliance in response to a performative expectation, writes Bonnie Dilber.
Tech Insider
A mockup image of the planned redevelopment for HSBC's tower block in London's financial district. A skyscraper featuring balconies at various levels stands filled with greenery stand out against a blue sky.
A rendering of the planned redevelopment of HSBC's headquarters in Canary Wharf, east London.
Tech Insider
Woman passing through security check in a office building holding coffee and scanning in her employee ID badge
Coffee badging refers to workers who swipe in at the office solely to meet return-to-office requirements but don't do much work there, instead leaving quickly to finish their work elsewhere.