Tech Insider
Business workers in an office
Daniela Herrera, a talent and DEI consultant, said the impact on company culture is often used to justify RTO mandates, but this may not be the real reason.
Tech Insider : Economy
US quits rates by state and for DC in January 2024
Job quitting rates across the US in January 2024.
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job fair
Gen Zers and millennials are more likely to consider a job-switch this year.
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A person looking at a laptop in an office, and other people are moving in the background
The number of Americans who quit their job in November 2023 was similar to the level in February 2020.
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People are in a line at a career fair
Declining job openings means it's not as easy for some workers to find a job as it was a year ago.
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Illustration part of the Transforming Business Series: A grid consisting of various working setups such as working from home, working in the office, and team video conference calls. It also includes workplace issues such as pay inequality, Unions, and Al integration.

Ingrid Vilorio, 42, knows what it means to fight to make a job into a good job.

Tech Insider
Charlie Munger, left, and Warren Buffett, right
At the annual Berkshire Hathaway shareholder meeting, billionaire Charlie Munger said that cutting out toxic people is essential to success.