Tech Insider

California's governor declared a state of emergency as a severe storm system triggered record rainfall, intense flooding, and strong winds. The extreme weather caused mass evacuations and left half a million people without power.


If you thought Miriam Margolyes’ the Meep was the apex of Doctor Who’s creepy little guys, then either good or bad news: things are going to get so much creepier li

Gizmodo : Environment

The ground beneath New York City is sinking and rising across different areas, new research shows. The sinking has contributed to worsening flood risks, including at sporting arenas, roadways, and a busy airport.



How many times have you watched a TikTok or YouTube short and thought “This is fun, but what if there were some strange pandas desperately trying to shove coffee from a morphing teacup into their nose or maw?” Great news.

Gizmodo : Environment

The climate crisis is going to expose more of the world to both hotter weather and heavy rainfall. This could create dangerous flood conditions new research has found.

Tech Insider
A gold car is stuck in the mud at Burning Man. Several orange cones and RVs can be seen in the background.
This car is one of dozens that got stuck in the grip of Black Rock City's muddy desert.
Tech Insider
Danny Collins poses in a gray polo
Florida resident Danny Collins said rising insurance premiums are impacting him and his neighbors.
Gizmodo : Environment

Torrential downpours in South Korea late last week have flooded roads and underpasses and sparked landslides throughout the country. Homes have been damaged, trees have been knocked over, and flights have been canceled.