Gizmodo : Environment

On Earth Day, the National Weather Service and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention teamed up to announce a new heat risk system to better communicate the severity of hot weather. The color-coded system added magenta, a fifth-tier of heat severity, beyond red, to communicate extreme heat “rare and/or…


Gizmodo : Environment

Many places in the Midwest and northern United States could shrink drastically by the turn of the century, according to a new study based on five climate scenarios. By the same token, according to the researchers, the populations of 40% of U.S. cities could grow by 2100.


Gizmodo : Environment

Global climate shifts this year are likely to disrupt food production throughout the world, straining food security worldwide.

Gizmodo : Environment

The ground beneath New York City is sinking and rising across different areas, new research shows. The sinking has contributed to worsening flood risks, including at sporting arenas, roadways, and a busy airport.


Gizmodo : Environment

This summer, the United States roasted like never before. People got third-degree burns from simply falling onto hot pavement in Arizona, filling up all the beds in Maricopa County’s burn center.

Gizmodo : Environment

Australian authorities declared the arrival of El Niño, amid dangerous heat waves that are raising the country’s risk of widespread bushfires.


Gizmodo : Environment

The climate crisis is going to expose more of the world to both hotter weather and heavy rainfall. This could create dangerous flood conditions new research has found.

Gizmodo : Environment

Hot weather is poised to kill many more Americans every year if current trends hold, recent research suggests. It estimates that the U.S. could see 200,000 temperature-related deaths annually by the end of the century in a bad but possible climate scenario—about five times the number of deaths seen today. We might…