Tech Insider
Concorde last take off
A British Airways Concorde takes off from JFK International Airport in New York for the final time on October 24, 2003.

Private aerospace company Boom Supersonic got its XB-1 demonstrator aircraft in the air and back down again last week, completing the carbon fiber plane’s first successful flight. It hasn’t broken the sound barrier yet, but the new plane is notable for setting the stage for a fuel-efficient supersonic passenger…



NASA’s supersonic experimental plane—the linchpin of the agency’s Quesst mission—is set to roll out of its warehouse in the California desert next week. We’re gassed for the big moment: the X-59 has been in development for six years, and, if successful, it will demonstrate supersonic flight without sonic booms.


X-planes are a class of experimental aircraft designed to test and demonstrate new innovations in flight—some were created for NASA, others for DARPA or the U.S. military. The first X-plane, X-1, was flown by Chuck Yeager in the 1940s and was the first craft to fly faster than the speed of sound. Over the decades,…


Tech Insider
8 Gulfstream G700
The G700 is one of the fastest purpose-built private jets currently in service.

August was a bumper month for Lego, bringing plenty of bricks for you to beat the heat with. September is an altogether quieter outing...

Tech Insider
  • Over the years, many airlines have struggled to stay in business.
  • Pan Am was an icon of early travel that no longer exists, and even Hooters had its own airline.
  • Meanwhile, the Concorde was an engineering marvel that wowed passengers, but it