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image of galaxy of stars with cross-section zoomed in on black hole speck
X-ray image of the msot distant black hole ever discovered.
Tech Insider
Virgin Galactic spaceship
Virgin Galactic is opening a factory in 2024 that will produce its new Delta Class spaceships.
Tech Insider
A photo of distant galleries, many millions of white spatters on a black background, like flecks of paint, and orange and purple orbs.
Euclid's view of irregular galaxy NGC 6822.

“This song is ending,” the Tenth Doctor is told as he limps painfully back to the TARDIS to begin his regeneration in “The End of Time,” “but the story never ends.” It’s an incredibly Doctor Who thing that this poignancy is delivered by a

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A woman smiles in front of NASA's DSN Goldstone complex.
Kari Bosley is in charge of planning when giant satellites will make contact with the James Webb Space Telescope as it moves through outerspace.
Tech Insider
Image of Crab Nebula taken by Hubble on left and by JWST on right.
One of the features JWST reveals so clearly in the Crab Nebula is the dense, spinning pulsar at the nebula's center. The pulsar isn't nearly as obvious in the Hubble image (on left).