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black hole polarization image shows a circle of bright yellow and diffuse orange light in the blackness of space with lines swirling in one direction along the circle and a black spot in the middle
The Event Horizon Telescope's polarized view of Sagittarius A*. The lines mark the orientation of polarization, which is related to the magnetic field around the shadow of the black hole.
Tech Insider
Illustration of a black hole warping space-time around it.
On rare occasions, black holes can get kicked into space after they form.
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black hole event horizon shadow accretion disk spiraling illustration eso1644b
An artist's impression of a rapidly spinning supermassive black hole surrounded by a disc of super-heated material.
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People watch a Indian Space Research Organisation launch.
People watch an Indian Space Research Organization launch in September 2023.
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Four images taken by JWST showing the Orion nebula (upper left), Uranus (upper right), a Wolf-Rayet star (lower left), and the Ring Nebula (lower right).
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supermassive black hole
The first image of a black hole shows the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy M87.
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image of galaxy of stars with cross-section zoomed in on black hole speck
X-ray image of the msot distant black hole ever discovered.
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Black hole collision illustration
Black holes can get caught in each others gravitational grip and either collide or recoil.