
Have you ever made it to the end of a hike with a scenic overlook and argued with your friend about the name of a river many miles away? I have. Google Maps wasn’t any help, but perhaps if I had Unistellar’s upcoming Envision AR binoculars in hand to label those faraway landmarks, we could have put that bickering to…


Robotic telescopes of various shapes and sizes are hitting the market these days, each promising clear views of the cosmos and ease of use—attributes not often found paired together in a single telescope. Amateur and backyard astronomers are now fully embracing this ongoing, auto-GOTO revolution, but not every…


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purple spiral galaxy with lots of purple stars inside and a bright white center
Messier 74, nicknamed "the Phantom Galaxy" for its dimness, comes to life when Chandra revealed its X-ray activity (purple) alongside observations from Hubble and Webb.
Tech Insider
giant camera black segmented tube with lens inside on a white engineering mount in a cleanroom with a person in a white cleansuit standing at the bottom of the lens that rises about five feet above the person's head
Travis Lange, the deputy project manager of the LSST, shone a flashlight into the LSST Camera, which has a 5-foot-wide lens.

Backyard astrophotography is experiencing a surge in popularity thanks to telescopes becoming more user-friendly and, as a result, actually fun to use. However, cost and portability remain a barrier, making the Dwarf II Smart Telescope a smart, viable option despite some annoying shortcomings.


Tech Insider
moon wide view with a gold telescope dish nestled in a crater illustration juxtaposed with an illustration of black and white cables zig zagging across the flat grey lunar surface toward the horizon where a faint yellow sun hangs in the blackness of space
Two very different concepts for a radio observatory on the moon show how creative astronomers are getting.
Tech Insider
SpaceX uses Falcon 9 rockets to transport batches of around 60 Starlink satellites at a time.
SpaceX uses Falcon 9 rockets to transport batches of around 60 Starlink satellites at a time.

The winter nights may be long, but they don’t have to be dull, even for folks with small apartments who don’t have room for an extra big telescope. Unistellar’s latest telescope, the Odyssey, is half the size and less than half the weight of the company’s last big release from 2023. However, with a few taps on your…



Amateur astronomy is so hot right now, and it’s never been easier for backyard enthusiasts to gaze into the cosmos and contemplate their puny, meaningless existences. We’ve assembled a collection of exceptional gift ideas to help your favorite space enthusiast take their skywatching skills to the next level.


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Artist's illustration of ultra-high-energy cosmic ray astronomy to clarify extremely energetic phenomena.
Artist's illustration of ultra-high-energy cosmic ray astronomy to clarify extremely energetic phenomena.