Tech Insider
An asteroid floats above Earth
Two different "potentially hazardous" asteroids will fly by Earth this week. Both will be rare and spectacular events, but they won't threaten Earth.
Tech Insider
Illustration of Earth as seen far from space with stars in the background
NASA aims to launch a mini satellite the size of a bread box that could become one of the most important astronomical tools by the end of this decade.

Five years ago, a galaxy 300 million light-years away got a lot brighter in telescopes, radiating ultraviolet, optical, and infrared light out into space. This year, the resurgent galaxy started emitting X-rays, indicating that its initial brightening was really just a warmup.

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Artist's cocept of exoplanet WASP 107b imaged by
This artist's illustration shows what exoplanet WASP 107b could look like based on new data from JWST. This warm gas giant confounded researchers until recently.
Tech Insider
The KBC void
New research suggests the KBC void is a 2 billion light-year-wide expanse of relatively empty space, and our galaxy sits right near the center of it.
Tech Insider
Aurora are usually contained to the uppermost art of the Northern Hemisphere. But US states as far south as Michigan may be able to see them this Friday.

The massive galaxy that houses our star system, along with hundreds of billions of other stars, appears as a shimmery splotch stretching across our night skies on clear, moonless nights. For an ancient people who were rather obsessed with the cosmos, looking up at the Milky Way may have symbolized a goddess that hangs…


Tech Insider
The solar eclipse viewed from Indiana in 2024
The April 8 total solar eclipse as seen from Bloomington, Indiana.
Tech Insider
Solar eclipse photo
The rare astronomical event won't occur for another 20 years after April 8.