
Say what you will about X, but it’s still the best place to watch powerful people slam each other on social media. Elon Musk walked into an unsuspecting Twitter beef this holiday weekend with none other than Meta’s Chief AI Scientist Yann LeCun, who used the platform against the billionaire that owns it.


Google has been the dominant search engine since the early 2000s, but Jeff Bezos is betting that AI will change the way people find information on the internet.


If you’re behind on what’s happening with the robot uprising, have no fear. Here’s a quick look at some of the weirdest and wildest artificial intelligence news from the past week. And be sure to check out our weekly newsletter on the biggest developments in AI.



There’s been a lot of talk about AGI lately—artificial general intelligence—the much-coveted AI development goal that every company in Silicon Valley is currently racing to achieve. AGI refers to a hypothetical point in the future when AI algorithms will be able to do most of the jobs that humans currently do.…


Welcome to AI This Week, Gizmodo’s weekly roundup where we do a deep dive on what’s been happening in artificial intelligence.



If you’re behind on what’s happening with the robot uprising, have no fear. Here’s a quick look at some of the weirdest and wildest artificial intelligence news from the past week. Also, don’t forget to check out our weekly AI write-up, which will go into more detail on this same topic.


AI is too dumb to regulate now, according to Meta’s head of artificial intelligence research in an interview with the Financial Times.

Tech Insider
Godfathers of AI
Three of the "godfathers of AI" helped spark the revolution that's making its way through the tech industry — and all of society. They are, from left, Yann LeCun, Geoffrey Hinton, and Yoshua Bengio.