Gizmodo : Environment

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission authorized a land swap deal with SpaceX, granting Elon Musk’s rocket company 43 acres of land that were heavily sought after as part of conservation efforts in the area.


Gizmodo : Environment

Details about SpaceX’s proposed land swap deal with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (TPWC) keep getting uglier. After an overwhelming majority voted against the land exchange, the decision was delayed to March. Recent reports, however, suggest that the acres in question were already set aside for preservation…


Gizmodo : Environment

In April 2023, SpaceX’s massive Starship rocket lifted off for the first time, sending chunks of debris thousands of feet across the South Texas landscape and sparking a fire in a nearby state park. It was an environmental nightmare; the launchpad is surrounded by a wildlife habitat that’s home to endangered species.…


Gizmodo : Environment

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has finalized its environmental assessment of SpaceX’s new water deluge system, concluding that it’s no more dangerous than a seasonal rain shower. With that assessment out of the way, and with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) also satisfied with its own evaluation, the…



SpaceX is preparing to launch its Starship rocket for the second time, aiming for mid-November for another flight test of its launch vehicle after the first one didn’t go so well.



The Federal Aviation Administration has completed the safety review of SpaceX’s Starship, moving the company one step closer to its second test flight, pending an environmental review by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The explosive inaugural launch of Starship turned into a safety and environmental fiasco—a…


Gizmodo : Environment

In the wake of an explosive debut in April, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is conducting a review of SpaceX’s Starship launch system upgrades, focusing primarily on the new water deluge system and its potential environmental impacts at the south Texas launch site.


Gizmodo : Environment

The U.S. is officially saying goodbye to 21 species that have been feared gone for years. These animals, which include many birds and marine mammals, have been delisted from the Endangered Species Act because they are now declared extinct, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said this week.

Gizmodo : Environment

SpaceX’s plans for a second launch of its Starship megarocket could face new delays, as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) launches a review of environmental impacts and potential threats to endangered species in the Boca Chica region.


Gizmodo : Environment

Thousands of penguin chicks in four emperor penguin colonies likely died after Antarctic ice broke up earlier than usual last year, creating a “catastrophic breeding failure.”