Tech Insider
The cabin crew standing in front of the Norse 787 in Antarctica wearing their uniforms.
The cabin crew standing in front of the Norse plane in Antarctica, where the Boeing 787 landed — the first time for this particular model.
Tech Insider
A seal with a tracker adhered to its fur sitting in some grass with a rainbow behind it.
In an email to Insider, scientist Clive McMahon called the seals they adhered trackers to heroes.
Tech Insider : Travel
Emperor Penguin chicks
Emperor Penguin chicks at colony Snow Hill Island, Antarctica, where part of the ice melted killing thousands of baby penguins.
Tech Insider
A view of ice floes on Grandidier Channel as the floes melt due to global climate change in Antarctica on February 09, 2022
Ice floes melt due to climate change in Antarctica on February 2022.
Tech Insider
A side-by-side composite of the RSV Nuyina and the Casey research center.
The RSV Nuyina (left) traveled more than 1,800 miles to rescue a sick expeditioner at Australia's Casey research center in Antartica (right).
Gizmodo : Environment

Thousands of penguin chicks in four emperor penguin colonies likely died after Antarctic ice broke up earlier than usual last year, creating a “catastrophic breeding failure.”


Gizmodo : Environment

Another day, another terrifying sea creature for our fragile human minds to process. A team of marine scientists say they’ve confirmed the existence of a bevy of new species living around Antarctica. One of these apparent discoveries is an invertebrate that somewhat resembles a strawberry, albeit with 20 arms.