
Americans have wanted a federal privacy law for years but intensive lobbying by the tech industry and general incompetence by our federal legislators has repeatedly thwarted that desire.


A data broker compiled a report on the geographical movements of visitors to Jeffrey Epstein’s “pedophile island,” culling it from mobile data that it acquired via unknown means, a


Have you got a secret you don’t want anyone to know? Don’t tell any of humanity’s fancy new AI-powered assistants because the companies behind these new tools are probably keeping your data a lot longer than you think.



Tired of dealing with popups begging you to accept cookies? Blame the EU. In 2018, Europe unleashed a groundbreaking privacy law called the GDPR that, among a billion other things, makes websites ask permission before tracking you with cookies.


A new law in California gives consumers the power to do something meaningful about the companies buying and selling their data for the very first time. On Tuesday, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the Delete Act into law, introducing a number of provisions that beef up state privacy regulations.


The naysayers will tell you privacy is a lost cause. Don’t listen to them. Protecting your information is about taking small but meaningful steps, and thanks to a free new app from Consumer Reports, it’s easier than ever before. The non-profit just rolled out a tool called Permission Slip. Downloaded it, enter a few…



Many students have no choice about working with the College Board, the company that administers the SAT test and Advanced Placement exams. Part of that relationship involves a long history of privacy issues. Tests by Gizmodo found if you use some of the handy search tools promoted by College Board’s website, the…


Gizmodo : Politics

On Thursday, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee voted forward a bill that would force tech companies to report web users to the Drug Enforcement Agency if they suspected them of engaging in criminal drug activity. The controversial Cooper Davis Act, named so after a Kansas teenager who died of a fentanyl overdose in…