
The Legend of Zelda franchise has dabbled a few times with letting players actually get to play as Zelda herself—she’s been a playable character in spinoffs, fighting games, and, somehow, two of those


Supermassive Games’ interactive horror game Until Dawn is getting adapted to film, and it’s now locked down about half its primary cast of young adults turn


Alan Wake 2 was one of the best games of last year, and now players have a reason to start up the game again. And this time, it has very little to do with Alan Wake himself.



Do you like action movies? Do you like the ones where a bunch of crazy nonsense is happening that seems like it defies all the laws of physics?


Crystal Dynamics’ Tomb Raider franchise is taking two interesting roads as it’s got a brand new game in the works.


Last year, Lego returned after years away to the realm of Middle-earth, delivering one of the most remarkable sets it’s ever made in in Rivendell, a gorgeous tribute


Games are expensive, and for some, it’s far too expensive to be a regular hobby. That makes shopping for deals that much more of a necessity. I’m here to offer a few tried and tested ways to find good deals on games, including legitimate ways to find games to play for free.