
Are you watching For All Mankind? I hope so, because our regular reminders that you absolutely should be culminated this week with the news that Apple doesn’t just want more, but a whole extra show on top of what some of you already aren’t watching. But that’s not all this week—we looked back at DS9's finest episode,…



A new year is upon us, but don’t say goodbye to the old one just yet! For the past 3 weeks io9 has been delivering our Year in Review for all things 2023—our favorite films and shows, cool toys, people we lost, the trends that defined a year of sci-fi, fantasy, and genre pop culture, and so much more. Why not take a…



It’s the final week of 2023, but the news hasn’t stopped quite yet. As the year wound down, the io9 crew found time to look back on the year’s events, say goodbye (and possibly hello?) to some old friends, and return to some haunts we left behind. Check them out here!—James Whitbrook



A rough 2023 for Marvel got even messier last week as the conclusion of Jonathan Majors’ legal proceedings saw the actor charged with reckless assault. But while there was plenty of legal drama this week, there were even more stories from the io9-verse you may have missed, so check them out here! —James Whitbrook



It’s been a wild week in the world of sci-fi, fantasy, superheroes, and more genre fare. The return of Doctor Who for its 60th anniversary, burning Mandalorian questions, and our epic first looks at Fallout and Furiosa all made the list of our most read stories—but here’s a few more highlights you might have missed—Jam…



The early 2000s were the birthplace of the modern internet—especially social media and the creators that power its endless algorithmic engines. It’s been close to two decades since those strange days when MySpace ruled the webways and Facebook still had a “the” in its name, but looking back eeks a twinge of memory…



A city on the edge of ruin. Detectives on the hunt for the killer behind a mass murder spree. Colonia is going to need all the help it can get in Scott Bryan Wilson and Max Alan Fuchs’ Kill More, a dark new murder mystery crime series from IDW...