
Silicon Valley has bet big on generative AI but it’s not totally clear whether that bet will pay off.


Due to a shortage of processors needed to run OpenAI’s intense software as well as the exorbitant costs associated with operating it, the makers of ChatGPT are reportedly considering making their own AI chips.



On March 29, 2023, more than 500 top technologists and business leaders signed onto an eye-catching open letter begging artificial intelligence labs to immediately pause all training on any AI systems more powerful than


When Bucks County, Pennsylvania District Attorney Matthew Weintraub stepped up to a podium on March 15, 2021, he set in motion a chain reaction of events that would capture the attention of millions and manifest a host of festering anxieties about the dangers of deepfake technology.


If you’re behind on what’s happening with the robot uprising, have no fear. Here’s a quick look at some of the weirdest and wildest artificial intelligence news from the past week. Also, don’t forget to check out our weekly AI write-up, which will go into more detail on this same topic.

Gizmodo : Environment

A team of researchers from around the world, led by Ohio State University, will be gathering data to create artificial intelligence-informed models to better understand the long-term impact of the climate crisis on biodiversity.



Every tech company in existence is currently racing to cram as much AI into their product base as possible, so it’s not at all surprising that Meta’s annual


A new battle is brewing between states and the federal government. This time the fight isn’t over taxes or immigration but rather the limits of regulating advanced artificial intelligence systems.


OpenAI is looking to continue to bolster its reputation as a modern-day tech juggernaut by pivoting from its incredibly popular software to hardware.